What BusinessTrafficLeads is about:

We are an ads managing agency with goals to boost traffic and sales to any type of business all over the US!

Whether it be for:
1. Restaurant
2. Repair Shops
3. Landscaping 4. Businesses
5. Produce
6. Barber Shops
7. Clothing Stores
8. Clinics
9. Dentists
10 Pharmaceutical Businesses
11 Engineering Businesses
12 Manufacturing Companies
 And More!

Our goal

Our goal is to increase the amount of leads/traffic to different business as much as possible so that there will consistently be a significant increase in sales and consistency with income for the business


We will do all of the managing for the business’s google ads, social media ads, whichever preferance the customer desires and will also set up a google business account if business lacks one


Will focus on correctly targeting the specific relevant audience to the business all depending on what type of business it is and the types of clients to best target for increased sales and a large amount of traffic


We have succesfully managed two large auto repair shop businesses with significant increase in their traffic/sales averaging around $50 per click (for the business’s earnings/on the low end) and only having to spend just over a dollar on that amount, and the second business with even more success with the same amount of income per click while spending even less, under a dollar per click and continue to improve more and more! If there are any further questions please contact us through one of the means on the contact page  and would be more than happy to help out! Best of luck with your business and we will always be here to help out for guaranteed proven methods to change the life of your business forever with a consistant increase in recognition and daily sales!

Ads impressions growth
Ads Campaign Management