Digital Marketing Plan

Basic Plan

  • Features:
  • Facebook Ads:
  • Ad Types: Image ads or basic video ads. Targeting: Basic demographic and interest targeting. Budget: Moderate budget for initial testing. Reporting: Monthly performance overview.
  • Instagram Ads:
  • Ad Types: Photo ads or Stories ads. Targeting: Basic targeting similar to Facebook. Budget: Included within the Facebook Ads budget. Reporting: Basic engagement metrics.
  • Google My Business:
  • Setup: Basic profile optimization. Posts: 1-2 posts per month. Reviews: Basic review management. Reporting: Monthly insights on visibility and engagement.
  • Email Marketing:
  • Setup: Basic email list setup. Campaigns: 1-2 simple newsletters per month. Design: Basic email templates. Reporting: Basic open rates and click-through rates.
  • Deliverables: Facebook and Instagram Ads: 2-3 ads per platform, basic targeting, monthly performance reports. Google My Business: Profile optimization, 1-2 posts per month, basic performance insights. Email Marketing: 1-2 newsletters per month, basic metrics report.

Standard Plan

  • Features:
  • Facebook Ads:
  • Ad Types: Image ads, video ads, carousel ads. Targeting: Advanced demographic, interest, and behavior targeting; custom audiences. Budget: Increased budget for broader reach. Reporting: Bi-weekly performance reports with insights.
  • Instagram Ads:
  • Ad Types: Photo ads, video ads, carousel ads, Stories ads. Targeting: Advanced targeting including retargeting options. Budget: Separate budget from Facebook Ads. Reporting: Detailed engagement metrics and performance insights.
  • Google Ads:
  • Ad Types: Text ads and basic display ads. Targeting: Advanced keyword targeting. Budget: Moderate budget for expanded reach. Reporting: Monthly performance report.
  • Google SEO:
  • Optimization: Basic on-page SEO including title tags, meta descriptions, and keyword optimization. Reporting: Monthly SEO performance overview.
  • Deliverables: Facebook and Instagram Ads: 4-5 ads per platform, advanced targeting, bi-weekly performance reports. Google Ads: 1-2 text and display ads, monthly performance report. Google SEO: Basic SEO optimization and monthly performance overview.

Premium Plan

  • Features:
  • Facebook Ads:
  • Ad Types: All formats including carousel, video, slideshow, and dynamic ads. Targeting: Highly detailed targeting, lookalike audiences, retargeting strategies. Budget: Extensive budget for maximum reach and engagement. Reporting: Weekly performance reports with in-depth analysis and optimization recommendations.
  • Instagram Ads:
  • Ad Types: All formats including photo, video, carousel, Stories, and shopping ads. Targeting: Advanced targeting, retargeting, and custom audiences. Budget: High budget for comprehensive reach. Reporting: Weekly performance reports with detailed insights.
  • Pinterest Ads:
  • Ad Types: Promoted Pins, Video Pins, Shopping Ads. Targeting: Detailed targeting and retargeting. Budget: Significant budget for extensive visibility. Reporting: Weekly performance metrics with in-depth analysis.
  • Google Ads:
  • Ad Types: Text ads, display ads, video ads, and shopping ads. Targeting: Advanced keyword targeting, retargeting, and shopping campaigns. Budget: High budget for extensive reach and high engagement. Reporting: Weekly performance reports with detailed analysis and strategy recommendations
  • Email Marketing:
  • Setup: Advanced email list management, segmentation, and automation workflows. Campaigns: 4-8 newsletters or promotional emails per month. Design: Custom email templates, A/B testing, and advanced automation. Reporting: Comprehensive metrics including open rates, click-through rates, conversions, and ROI.
  • Google My Business:
  • Setup and Optimization: Full optimization including advanced features and local SEO enhancements. Posts: 4-8 posts per month including promotions and events. Reviews: Proactive management and engagement. Reporting: Comprehensive monthly insights with actionable recommendations.
  • Google SEO:
  • Optimization: Full-scale SEO strategy including advanced on-page and off-page SEO, technical SEO, and continuous optimization. Reporting: Weekly SEO performance reports with strategic recommendations.
  • Deliverables: Facebook and Instagram Ads: 6-10 ads per platform, advanced targeting, weekly performance reports. Pinterest Ads: 6-10 promoted pins, video pins, and shopping ads, weekly performance report. Google Ads: 4-8 ads per platform, weekly performance reports. Email Marketing: 4-8 newsletters per month, detailed metrics and advanced automation. Google My Business: Full profile optimization, 4-8 posts per month, comprehensive monthly insights. Google SEO: Comprehensive SEO strategy and weekly performance reports.